Paste Book

Paste book

One of my most useful stamping tools is this homemade paste book. I made it by removing the front cover from a salvaged binder. This is one of the heavy duty binders which allow the pages to lie flat, but any binder should work. I keep it filled with scrap paper in which I punch holes. I use a Rollataq to apply adhesive, but one could also use a gluestick or paste applied with a credit card. After a sheet of paper gets sticky, I tear it off and throw it in the trash. This way I always have a clean surface and don’t get unwanted paste on items.


This summer, when I first started using Gmail, I changed almost all of my email discussions lists to my gmail address. However, in the past few days I have changed them back, because I had stopped reading the discussion lists since the interface was too slow. I use Thunderbird under Linux as my email client, and it is much faster to press the “n” key for the next post than it is to click the newer link and wait for the conversation to load.
I set up mail forwarding on my account (a service provided by my Internet provider) and use this to forward my mail to my gmail address. This way, I still get the storage and retrieval benefits of gmail, while being able to read my email rapidly.

A Good Thing

hay in barn

I always feel pleased after a delivery from our hay supplier, when the empty hay aisle is filled with sweet smelling green bales. We buy from a supplier who stacks the hay for us. The guys who delivered it this time were new and inclined to whimper when I insisted that ninety bales of hay had always fit before. The hay has be stacked carefully so we can still get through the doors in the back of the stalls to feed the horses.


Yesterday, Jack and I played Carcassonne, a game by the author of Settlers of Catan which involves laying tiles. The game setup and play is easy, except for the end scoring of the placement of farmers. This review of the game discusses the issue.