When I first saw Hap, I thought the way his white blaze slides off his nose was rather silly, but I have become fond of it over the years. And it certainly makes it easy to pick him out from other tall mahogany bay Thoroughbreds.
Author: Elaine
Caroline’s Journey
My sister has some photos at her weblog, Caroline’s Journey, which may look strangely familiar to people who look at the photos on my weblog.
Foggy Hills
Jack took this photo on Saturday after a slight snow fall.
This little buck (seen behind the mesh of the fence) has been a frequent visitor to our horse field the past week or so.
Pikes Peak Wrapped in Clouds
I love how the color of my friend’s dog Brody blends into the fall vegetation.
Autumn berries
The birds love the berries from this bush in my friend’s yard.
Why, oh why
I’ve been cleaning the stock tank every two or three days, since Hap, at least, has the messy habit of rinsing his hay before he eats it. I am used to finding wads and strands of hay in the water. However, this morning I could have sworn that I found mud in the bottom of the stock tank which I had cleaned, rinsed and refilled two days earlier. Are Hap, Rags and Smoke now using their stock tank to make mud pies?
Ubuntu 5.10
Yesterday, I installed Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) to my desktop. I had upgraded via a dist-upgrade last week, but decided to do a clean install do get rid of the cruft that I seem to accumulate on my PC as easily as breathing.
The install went smoothly, except for having to re-enter my POP and SMTP information into Evolution, which I use for mail.