
We have Mirra Chairs at work. These chairs won out over the better known Aeron Chairs after we tested both for a week, courtesy of a local dealer.  Last week, since I was experiencing some shoulder tension after work, I searched to make sure that I had everything properly adjusted, and found a web-site supporting something I had long suspected: there are pros and cons to all ergonomic products. I ended up trying to follow the tips in “How to Keep Good Posture When In Front of a Computer at Ririan Project” and also found “Rethinking ergonomic sitting and seating ergonomics” interesting.

The net result seems to be that sitting for long periods of time is bad for the body, and taking frequent breaks is a necessity.  And something I am doing is helping:  I haven’t noticed the shoulder tension in the evenings the past few days.

2 thoughts on “Ergonomics”

  1. One of my co-workers just got a new Mirra chair for his office and I have lusted after ever since it was delivered. He absolutely loves it. Maybe some day I’ll have scored enough brownie points to get one of my own ;~)

    Thanks for the ergonomic tips. I have a bad habit of sitting for hours upon hours and not moving around. No wonder my bones creak when I finally do get up lol

  2. There was one hint in the article you linked to about looking up at the ceiling every so often. A great tip for my sore neck when I’m at the computer. I’ve looked at the expensive chairs, but the best one I ever had was a cheapo from Office Max. But the boys got bigger (and bigger) and would sit at my computer and lean back in the chair, and finally sprung the back on it. Never found one as comfortable as that one again.

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