
I learned something very interesting today. If you put enough balsamic vinegar on it, even spinach becomes edible. I wonder if it would work for kale and collard greens.

2 thoughts on “Spinach”

  1. Given that I adore both collard greens and kale, I’m probably not the ideal comment provider.

    But, yeah, try spritzing greens with olive oil and roasting in the oven at 400 F until things are crispy, add balsamic vinegar and enjoy.

    On another axis, try sauteeing the greens with a bunch of fresh ginger (like a thumb’s worth), and then pureeing it with some yogurt. Greens like your southern granny never made, unless she came from southern India!

    And, if you can find them, try baby kale. The leaves are about the size of parsley and tender and sweet. MMMMM.

  2. I confess to enjoying collard greens cooked with a smoked turkey leg; and spinach barely cooked with a garlic infused cream. There’s a lot of terrible spinach out there!

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