How would you and your party resolve the problem of the commons?
Questions for the Candidates
How do you and your party interpret “a more perfect Union”?
How do you and your party interpret “establish Justice”?
How do you and your party interpret “insure Domestic Tranquility”?
How do you and your party interpret “provide for the common defence”?
How do you and your party interpret “promote the general Welfare”?
How do you and your party interpret “the Blessings of Liberty”?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pros for Bush
Can’t really think of any.
Cons for Bush
The election is coming up on us and I am reviewing the candidates: First, consider George Bush.
As the incumbent he has one strike against him. Never re-elect an incumbant to any office unless everything is the way you want it. If things aren’t the way you want it, then your incumbent is contributing to the problem.
Second, he doesn’t seem to realize what the oath of office he took in 2001 was about. “To defend the constitution of the United States”
Third, he invaded a sovereign nation without a declaration of war.
Fourth, he supposedly represents the US in front of the community of nations. I am not happy with the way he represents the US in this forum. He and his administration seem to have gone out of their way to insult long-time friends and allies.
Fifth, he seems determined to impose his religiouus beliefs on me and my fellow citizens. I look at his faith-based initiatives with more than a little trepidation. I see giving religious groups government money as requiring government oversight of religious activities and that is well down the slippery slope.
Sixth, he won’t admit that his adminstration made a mistake invading Iraq. He has said that he would do the same thing all over even if the intelligence indicated that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction. No WMD, no Declaration of War, no mistakes. Sorry, doesn’t work for me.
Seventh, he is a Republican president with a Republican-controlled Congresss and he doesn’t seem to have any control of his party. Why aren’t they agressively pursuing the Republican platform. Cut back all the government programs and bureaus, get rid of all regulations on Corporate America, take us back to those laissez-faire days of the 1800s.
GW continues to go adventuring with the military. I wonder where they will go next. I would like to see the Congress do its duty and declare war on somebody or some country.
Custom Fields
Well, Elaine got things configured in my template and I can now make comments as I write a post
Rags and Jack
I’m the one in the blue jacket. � Plugin: Get Custom Field Values � Plugin: Get Custom Field Values
And Here’s the fix. Looks like I will need to get Elaine to add the plugin to the right directory.
WordPress Support Custom Fields not working
WordPress Support’s Custom Fields not working
Ahh, someone else had the same question as I.
WordPress Wiki – Post Meta
WordPress Wiki – Post Meta I think they are assuming prior knowledge for displaying meta data, which the custom field is…
Custom Fields Redux
Well, I haven’t figured out what these Custom Fields are supposed to do. I thought it would be nice to add a parenthetical comment like what I am listening to as I am typing, or watching, or listening, watching and reading. The WP Wiki doesn’t provide any input on Custom fields.
I need to see about a spell scheker. All the “Dict.” key does is take you to a dictionary.
OK, I’ve added a Custom Field to the Post. Why doens’t it append itself to the post? I didn’t see anything in the options or set up that referred to Custom Fields and having to do anything to get them posted.
How do I display fields in the post? Come back to this later.