My nice laid-out page is a-scrambled.
I think I am in for a long weekend.
And where’s the spillchecker?
My nice laid-out page is a-scrambled.
I think I am in for a long weekend.
And where’s the spillchecker?
So upgrading Jack’s site wasn’t quite as successful. Oh well, at least everything works.
Jay Fawcett has dropped in on the Drinking Liberally crowd several times in the past few months. Jay is planning to run for Congress as a Democrat, in a district that is registered as 46% Republican and votes over 60% Republican. I think there is one elected Democratic official in the entire area covered by Colorado’s 5th Congressional District. He was just elected as a state representative of the largely liberal Manitou Springs district, and it was a squeaker (before that there hadn’t been any elected Democrats in the 5th Congressional for ten years or more, I think.)
Continue reading Questions for a potential Representative
Does being a Gold Medal Winner mean that you have to be effusively communicative with the people whom paid $600M to broadcast the games?
NBC’s interview with Shani Davis after he won the gold medal in the 1000 meter skating event was disgusting at best.
I don’t think anyone is obligated to provide the media with an interview (unless contractually obligated, I know that the pros can get dinged for not giving interviews, but I don’t think Olympic Athletes are supposed to qualify as Pros) and I don’t think the media should even attempt to prejudge why an interviewee may or may not be responsive to the interviewer.
Well, it has been a while since my last post. I’ve taken to drinking liberally, at least on odd Tuesdays. I also helped run a small SF convention.
In retrospect, I am not sure what I’ve been doing. I’ve discovered soduko, amazing how that will suck out your time.
Playing with the computer, trying to get MythTV working. More on that later in a geek posting.
Trying to get the books in order for income tax time.
Following the trials and tribulations of Teresa Nielsen Hayden. Sometimes the system can be so wrong.
And watching football playoffs, preparing forthe 2006 baseball season and trying to rip my music collection using MusicBrainz. Amazing how many CDs I have that aren’t in their database.
And now, it is off to a Linux Users Group.
Rosebay: Instructions on how to clean your toilet This is so funny. And so sensible…
From Talking Points Memo via:
James Dobson: “If the nation’s politicians don’t fix this national disaster, then the oceans of gambling money with which Jack Abramoff tried to buy influence on Capitol Hill will only be the beginning of the corruption we’ll see. Some religious leaders want new ethics rules for Congress, but that’s only a band-aid fix. Politicians need to root out this infection. Gambling – all types of gambling – is driven by greed and subsists on greed. That makes it morally bankrupt from its very foundation. Gambling creates addicts, breeds crime and destroys families. We need courageous office holders who will begin the process of shutting down lotteries, casinos and other gambling outlets.”
I think he has a good basic theme here, let’s try that some other ways:
Continue reading What he said!
I found this link at Making Light that addresses 13 things that don’t make sense.
Now, I don’t have problems with understanding why 12 of these scientific conundrums don’t make sense, but I do question number 2, the Horizon Problem.
Why is the uniformity of the expanding universe heat signature a problem? We can see 14 billion light years in any direction. The seen universe is 28 billion light years wide. The background heat radiation is constant in all directions because the same expansion physics happened in all directions. Why is this a conundrum?
And we are the center of the universe.
2005 is behind us, and the Great Adventure begins once again.
May this year be your best one yet.
I am creating an .xls page that will let me copy regular tables into a format I can use in this blog, seems to work here.
Continue reading Playing with Tables once more