Some say that insanity is performing a repetitive task and getting the same consistent results, while expecting a completely different result. Others call it golf.
Ireland, October 2006
A place we visited, before all the people showed up.
That which…
That which does not kill us will eat us alive.
We Answer to the Name of Liberals
American Prospect Online – We Answer to the Name of Liberals
We love this country. But true patriotism does not consist of bravado or calumny. It resides in faithfulness to our great constitutional ideals. We are a republic, not a monarchy.
Defending against brute force ssh attacks
Samhain Labs | Defending against brute force ssh attacks
I don’t know if I need this or not. Need to check into it.
Shelley The Republican
Satire or Irony? I can’t tell. And to keep it going consistently.
This article is what originally brought me here.
America, where are you now?
Avedon summarizes the results nicely.
America was founded on a number of liberal principles, including the rights to have the government show due cause to confine an individual, to be able to contest confinement. (along with a proscription for crual and unusual punishment) And these principles weren’t restricted to “Americans”. They are for all people.
And now, the US Congress, my representatives in Government, have authorized Government agents to kidnap, transport and confine US citizens without trial, in addition to having authorized those agents to kidnap, transport and confine people, without trial, from all around the world.
And both of my senators supported this shredding of America.
Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right, or constitutional.
I imagine that Salazar will pull a Nighthorse Campbell now and switch parties.
The Practical Nomad blog: USA denies its citizens their right of return
The Practical Nomad blog: USA denies its citizens their right of return
There is something seriously wrong here…