When I looked earlier at LJ it didn’t have my posts for the past month and wouldn’t let you comment on the LJ test posts. Now they are all there with comments. Boy, Elaine is good. Didn’t even get on the PC and fixed the problem.
My Live Journal postings have been scarce for the past month. This has been because I typically write my posts on eg and let a crossposter put them in my Live Journal (not quite Live Journal) But, Word Press was updated and the crossposter didn’t work for a while. Elaine finally figured how to make it work. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to change the parameter that allows LJ comments to stay on LJ. It looks like for the moment you have to jump over to eg to comment.
Maybe Elaine will figure it out.
Testing again
a test?
A test?
Personally, I think that the folks that say we are in a recession are optimists.
Avec Mobile: Wizpy Media Player Doubles as a Tiny Handheld Linux Computer
Avec Mobile: Wizpy Media Player Doubles as a Tiny Handheld Linux Computer – TurboLinux, USB, boot
But it only doubles as a computer if you plug the USB connection into another computer.
(It actually makes sense but it is very weird)
Be sure to read the comments.
Weekend Fun Project: Make Any USB Thumb drive a Portable Media Player | SolSie.com
Weekend Fun Project: Make Any USB Thumb drive a Portable Media Player | SolSie.com
Something to look into…
The Ten Coolest Power Strips
The Ten Coolest Power Strips – News and Analysis by PC Magazine
Power, more Power!
The New Colonialism
China | The new colonialists | Economist.com
Not all observers, however, think that China’s unstinting appetite for commodities is super. The most common complaint centres on foreign policy. In its drive to secure reliable supplies of raw materials, it is said, China is coddling dictators, despoiling poor countries and undermining Western efforts to spread democracy and prosperity. America and Europe, the shrillest voices say, are “losing” Africa and Latin America.
I read this paragraph and immediately thought “How is this different from what the US has been doing for the past 100+ years? ” I might include the Europeans as well, after they had to relinquish their empires – coddling dictators indeed, setting them up in the first place, that’s what they were doing.
Laptops, Customs and Security
An interesting article on how to protect your PC from nosy customs agents.
The Post did an article on some problems people are having with customs wanting to see what’s on their laptops and other electronic devices. TSA wants it understood that they do not confiscate laptops.
DHS seems to have its own problems with laptops.