Category Archives: General

Blog Attack on Steele Decried

Blog Attack on Steele Decried

A part of this article grabbed my attention:

Other liberal bloggers defended Gilliard and took after Kaine for pulling his ad. Markos Moulitsas, editor of the blog Daily Kos, said that advertisers should expect edgy content and that Kaine’s actions could threaten their editorial independence.

“I don’t want bloggers to be afraid to say things because they don’t want to offend an advertisers,” Moulitsas said.

If bloggers accept advertisers then their content should always be suspect. Not only for what they don’t say to avoid offending their financial base but, also, for what they do say to impress their financial base.

Will the fierce, independent blogger moderate their comments to keep their audience sending them money? who knows? Who cares? It is just appearances.

Wait before looking

DO NOT start watching a series until all the episodes are on DVD. It will drive you crazy.

I have gotten to the 2nd and 3rd disks of the Madlax series and I am getting more into it as it goes along. There are two or three background mysteries going on as well as the foreground story. The series is still weaving its web and the viewer is getting entangled.

All in all it is a 7 disk series (26 Episodes) and Volume 3 is the last one out. Volume 4 should be available Real Soon Now, but the rest of the series is going to grind out very slowly and that will be very frustrating.

I am upping my rating from 7 out of 10 to 8 out of 10, for the entire series that I have seen so far.

In the extras, there is a bit called “Conversations with SSS” where the American voice actors are doing a completely different dialog over scenes from the show. Some of them are very funny.

The Colorado Trail

A co-worker gave a slide show yesterday of her 50-day hike along the Colorado Trail. It was part of our “Wellness” benefit. It was an inspiring slide show.

Lucy basically walked 10 miles a day and arranged for her support team to meet her on weekends to replenish supplies. Sometimes, some of the support folks would join her on the trail for a week and then head back with the following support team.

The trail covers a lot of territory between Denver and Durango. From the pictures, and from what I’ve seen of the land, it is beautiful scenery. It passes through a number of National Forests and Wilderness Areas as well.

I am so inspired that I may try hiking the Santa Fe trail. But I think I’d rather bike it.

But, it does remind me that Elaine and I need to get out next summer and spend some time camping in the mountains, to get rid of the rust and dust on our camping gear so we will be ready to use it when needed.

An open letter to my Senator. (one of them)

Dear Senator Allard,

I understand that you were one of nine senators that voted against an amendment to a Defense Appropriation bill (HR2863). This amendment (1977) was submitted by Senator McCain and called for the humane treatment of prisoners by our Defense Forces.

Frankly, Senator, I am ashamed that you would vote against the humane treatment of prisoners.

It is the duty of Congress to provide guidelines on the “Rules of War” to our military. It is not only the duty of Congress to declare war, but it is the duty of Congress to provide oversight on how the executive branch is managing our defense forces, especially in times of hostility. Since Congress has not declared war recently, I am hesitant to call the activities in Iraq and Afghanistan ‘war’, although it sure looks like it from here.

I understand that some of the President’s staff have opposed this amendment because it might restrict the President’s pursuit of war. The President’s pursuit of war should be restricted, especially if that pursuit leads to the inhumane treatment of prisoners. Congress should take the Executive Branch to task for their continuing mistreatment of prisoners during our current overseas military adventures.

You represent the State of Colorado in the US Senate, and, by extension, me, as a citizen of the State of Colorado. I believe you have failed in your duties. I have not run into a fellow Colorado citizen that supports the inhumane treatment of prisoners by our military. Most have been thoroughly disgusted by the pictures and reports that have come out of Abu Ghraib and other detention facilities.

This is not a Republican issue nor a Democrat issue. This is an American Issue and you have not only failed your state but your country.


Canon EOS 5D Hands-on Preview: Digital Photography Review

Canon EOS 5D Hands-on Preview: Digital Photography Review

Oh, they are making this so difficult for me. I really want to upgrade to a digital SLR. I already have a Canon EOS film camera with lenses, so I want to get a Canon D-SLR. They are generally reviewed as the best ones out there. Nikon can match some Picture Quality measures, but when you have the excellent lenses that both companies produce, that should be expected.

So, I started by looking at the Canon 10D which has been replaced by the 20D, with even better features. The 20D runs about $1500.

The Canon Rebel XT is running less than $1000. It has a lot of the features of the 20D, but, it has a plastic case. I am leery of plastic cases since I know how rough I can be on cameras while scrambling around looking for the perfect shot.

The one problem with the 20D and the XT is that their sensors are smaller than a 35mm film frame. This means that the sensor will only capture the inner two-thirds of the image seen in the view finder. The outer portions of the image, when the shutter opens, won’t be on the sensor and won’t be captured. I am sure that is something I can adjust to and, with the lenses I have, I can compensate to ensure that the portion of the image I want will be in the area that the sensor will capture. But, it is a waste.

The 5D has an image sensor that is the same size as a 35mm frame, so that 1.6 FOV (field of view) crop isn’t a factor. This is what I want. Unfortunately, the 5D runs about $3300

What to do? what to do? Starting with the 20D, costing $500-$600 more than the XT, seems like a bad starting move, especially if I want to go to the 5D as soon as possible.

Christmas is coming soon, I have to decide.

The 20D and XT have 8.2 and 8.0 M pixel chips, respectively, and the 5D has a 12.8 M Pixel chip. (Although I haven’t really seen anything on the effect of pixel density on the quality since:

the 5D has 14.8K Pixels/sq mm
the 20D has 24K Pixels/sq mm
the XT has 24K Pixels/sq mm

which implies, to me, that the 5D will be more lossy and lesser quality than the other two, especially if you were blowing up the middle of the image.) But I don’t know how many Pixels/sq mm are considered good enough to blow up a digital image into a wall poster, or 16×11 print. Maybe I should start with the XT and wait until the 5D gets its P/sq mm number up to the 25K range.

I just checked the ultimate, top of the line, Canon EOS, the 1Ds Mark II, and see that its P/sq mm number is 19.2K. The 1Ds is a 16Mpixel camera, with a 35mm equivalent sensor, in the $8K range. It is for the pros.

So maybe 24K P/sq mm is overkill, or maybe the 1Ds is obsolete. It’s over a year old now.

What’s the Worst that can Happen? Loonies?

Lunar colonists decide to declare their independence from Earth and start flinging rocks, with a magnetic rail gun, at Cheyenne Mountain (need to knock out Space Command).

Hopefully we will have a day warning, since I think I would want to evacuate a few hundred miles in case the boy genius on the moon who is programmming the rail gun misses a decimal point.

So, it is into the truck with the animals and supplies and off on the road.

This one might not be a problem for a few years…


AQTrends2003.pdf (application/pdf Object)

My brother-in-law made a comment the other day that Colorado Sporings has really great air quality. I drive in from the north every morning and when I pass the AFA I overlook the basin the COS sits in and there is usually a grungy haze hanging over the city. Not nearly as bad as Denver, but noticable. So I had to check it out and, from I have found, COS ain’t Los Angeles, Houston or Denver, but we don’t have the pristine mountain air that some people expect.

An interesting survey from 2002.

What’s the worst that can happen? Man?

What if some terrorists decide that Colorado Springs is a target and they set off a dirty bomb or other WMD? After all, we do have Cheyenne Mountain, Pikes Peak, The Air Force Academy, and other symbolic places. But, they don’t often appear in movies.

Then, I could imagine a lot of panic, mass evacuations, traffic jams, people scrambling to get as far away from the Springs as possible. We have a limited number of roads leaving this area. Not sure that I would worry about leaving right away unless the winds weren’t favorable. Then it becomes the snowstorm scenario of being trapped in the house for a week, probably without power or communications.

I did just remember that we have 50 gallons of water in the water heater to use, if needed.

Unless there is a complete breakdown across the state and/or country, we should be able to manage a week or two before venturing out. By then, the traffic should be manageable.

We try to keep the truck topped off with its two tanks of diesel. I think we have about a 400 mile range, with the horse trailer, before we need to fill up again. I wonder if we should plan to tow one of the cars behind the trailer. Nah. That may be excessive.

If we need to evacuate right away, I expect we would head north, towards Denver. My preference would be to head in to the mountains, since I figure that anything drifting in the wind would not be going uphill.

Rather than Denver, I will head up Mt Herman Road and make for Woodland Park. The Rampart Range Rd shouldn’t be too congested since it is a rutted dirt track. The truck can make it, but the horses might not. (Providing it isn’t winter.)

Winter adds a bit of complexity to the problem.

I think for an evacuation scenario, I need to acquire some land somewhere that we can retreat to. A mountain lot would be good, but inaccessible in the winter. A place out east, on the plains, may be more useful, year-round.

Load up the truck with food and water for people, dogs and horses, load up the camping supplies, and take off.

I wonder if I should keep a stash of 50 or so cartons of cigarettes on hand for trading supplies.

It’s Mad Max time…