Dinner Party

I was listening to the Thomas Jefferson Hour this past weekend and the question was asked about what four people Thomas Jefferson would have for a dinner party. The select party was Isaac Newton, John Locke, Francis Bacon and Maria Cosway. An interesting group to be sure.

That leads me to wonder who I might invite. I think I will start with a longer list and then try to trim it down.

    Eleanor of Aquitaine
    I Newton
    F Bacon
    J Locke
    T Jefferson
    M Twain
    C Darwin
    A Huxley
    GB Shaw
    J Maxwell
    A Einstein
    O Wilde
    T Roosevelt
    E Roosevelt
    B Cosby
    B Fuller
    F Nietzsche
    FL Wright
    HG Wells
    L Da Vinci
    C Sagan
    I Asimov
    D Parker

Start a list like this and there is always someone else bubbling to the top. Time to stop it and trim