Why is it always Klingons?
Life: City hosts sci-fi fans | cosine, convention, science – Gazette.com
Why is it always Klingons?
Life: City hosts sci-fi fans | cosine, convention, science – Gazette.com
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I am sorry if I haven’t responded in a timely fashion to anyone’s comments. My ISP recently stopped supporting the way I aliased email addresses so a lot of email links I had set up weren’t going through. I think I have fixed the blog addresses and so should get notifications… I hope.
Now I have to start tracking down all the other addresses out there.
MaxLite Gu24 Lamps, sockets, and fixtures
OK, what are they up to now? Are they trying to destroy an entire “how many X does it take to screw in a light bulb” joke industry?
I’m having a hard enough time trying to figure out what base I need to get for my chandelier lights. (I know it’s not standard, smaller than that.) And my track lighting bulbs are a different base as well. I think.
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
The Quality of CFL light has always been an issue. They seem to be getting better at it.
Geek Stuff. Looks very interesting.
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