
I was down at the local Drinking Liberally meeting the other night and asked a general question of the group:

“Why should we have a government supported health care plan?”

Hillary’s health plan had just been recently announced.

I asked the question in all seriousness. I have been hearing of most of the presidential candidates proposing various versions of national heath care plans but I don’t remember hearing a discussion of the prerequisite  question: Why have national health care?

My question raised the immediate ire of several in the room. The loudest voice I heard said simply that it was the moral thing to do. That sort of answer worries me, since I live in a town where the majority  seems to believe that it is the moral thing to only enjoy sex with a licensed partner* and they seem to be quite content to force this down our throats every election cycle.

The room generally quieted down and discussions started all around.

Some came up to ask me if I was in favor of a national health care system, to which I had to answer “yes”. I was just asking what rationale others had to support a national plan.  If the people are in agreement that a national plan is needed then we can start to discuss how it is best implemented.  I don’t know that the people are in agreement with the basic principle.

I think that the federal government should provide a basic insurance plan to all citizens. They can define the basic services, administer it, audit it, etc.  I don’t mind having 5%-10% of my payroll deducted to cover the basic health care plan, as long as the monies are dedicated to the health plan and not directed to the general revenue bucket. (Don’t use the health care money to try and balance the budget.)  And once I have that basic plan, I can go anywhere with it. I don’t have to worry about losing coverage when I change jobs or move.  I am sure there are a multitude of plans for our representatives to ponder; I just want them to know I support the basic concept.

And how do I come about formulating support for “socialized medicine”? Simply put, I expect that we, the people, should promote the general welfare of the people.  Providing for a  healthy society not only will promote a healthier workforce that will be more productive and more competitive in the global economy, it will promote the general welfare of all citizens.  A healthy citizenry is a thoughtful, politically-active citizenry! (Better scratch that last sentence. Don’t think the politicians will want that.)

Why a federal plan instead of individual state plans? Because I want to be able to move around. I have lived/resided in seven states in the course of my life and I expect that I will live in a few more before I am gone.  A federally backed insurance plan is the best way to take it with you.

The details of implementing  any plan can be addressed at a later time.  If anyone is concerned about the insurance companies they can offer additional insurance for items that aren’t covered under the basic plans. Companies can offer enhanced insurance plans to differentiate themselves from other employers.  Those are details, though. Later.

* some restrictions apply