– NSA has massive database of Americans’ phone calls
Why is this an important issue?
(Essay answer please) – NSA has massive database of Americans’ phone calls
Why is this an important issue?
(Essay answer please)
CSIndy: American patriot (May 4, 2006) I thought this was a well done article in last weeks Independent.
Scott Ritter, former weapons inspector of non-existent weapons, comments on what he sees as a major problem, the ignorance in the American Public. I agree with his sentiments.
DR: You’ve said Americans aren’t against the war in Iraq because it’s wrong; you say they’re against it because we’re losing. Is it just that Americans don’t like getting their asses kicked?
SR: I’m saying Americans don’t know enough about anything to have a well-informed opinion; this is all superficial. At the end of the day, yeah, we don’t like to get our asses kicked. We have a lot of national pride that’s based around the notion that we can kick anybody’s ass — we’re the biggest, baddest boys on the block. And in Iraq, we’re not winning, so a lot of Americans have their ruffles up.
A Pie-in-the-Sky Treehouse Made Real – New York Times
I was thinking of building just this sort of treehouse, just the other day. The main problem on my part is that we don’t have any trees to build in.
It looks like something wonderful was rampant in the streets of London this past week.
I found out about this courtesy of Making Light, so thanks Patrick and Teresa.
Maybe I should be paying more attention to irrelevant people.
When did George W Bush become a liberal?
I’m confused.
Someone at Drinking Liberally brought this to my attention. I will need to review more closely tomorrow but the phrase
We stand against all claims to a total — unquestionable or unquestioning — truth.
caught my eye.
I wonder if just having seen “Life of Brian” will have an impact?