ruminating ideas

Some different ideas are kicking around and I need to get them down to develop in more detail.


Have the individual states issue licenses for firearms. Basically, everyone/anyone can get a license. The states can set some minimal requirements such as training on safe firearm usage from a recognized trainer, such as military, police, scouting, gun club, etc. The licenses can be done in classes, such as shotgun, rifle, handgun, automatic, etc. much as DMV will give motorcycle, standard, chauffeur, and the different weight class truck driving licenses. Licenses may be revoked for felony convictions, judicial orders and similar situations.

In order to buy a firearm, you just have to show a license that supports that class of firearm. The seller can do a quick check to see that the license hasn’t been revoked and away you go.  And you have to show the license to buy the ammunition for that class of firearm.

This all goes back to the well-regulated militia phrase of the Second Amendment. Let the states decree that all firearm license holders are members of the militia and let them regulate as they see fit.


20% across the board tax on all income directed to the Social Security and Medicare.  If you have a job, the 20% is collected as a payroll tax. If you are collecting non-wage income, like dividends, rents, royalties, etc, the 20% can be deducted by the dispenser. No matter what your income level, you pay the 20%. What you get for that is a retirement plan and healthcare. Social Security and Medicare go off-budget at the Federal level. Congress can maintain oversight of the Trust Funds running these systems, but that is about it.

States, private companies and insurance companies can get out of the basic healthcare business.  Every citizen gets access to basic healthcare. Employers can match the payroll tax.


After the initial 20% tax on all income, there will be a Personal Income deduction per household equal to the median household, currently ~$50K. I am also tempted to adjust this to the Median Household Income for the Metropolitan Statistical Area you reside in.  Need to look at that in more depth. Single member households may use the 4-member household Poverty Level for their MSA .

The main idea here is to give everyone a large deductible. No itemizing. If you want to give to charities, buy houses, pay mortgages, go to school, go for it. There is no tax advantage or incentive either way.


As far as our debt and deficit is concerned, Congress shall be mandated to collect revenues to cover their budget. In addition, Congress will include paying back 5% of the deficit each year as part of the budget. We can give Congress some wiggle-room such as the 5% doesn’t need to be included under certain economic conditions, such as the ones we are currently under. Also, in the event of a natural disaster that wasn’t originally budgeted, the 5% deficit payback can be diverted to cover those costs.  If Congress and the President declare a national emergency, then all restrictions are off.

In order for Congress to meet their revenue mandate, they must set a tax rate on all incomes above the deductible that will collect the desired revenue for that year.


1 Representative per 100,000 citizens.

6 Senators per State. Senatorial elections will continue by the classes as they are now, but the three top vote-getters in each election will each  become a Senator.


No one elected to Congress may serve consecutive terms in the same office.


Any compensation paid to individuals in excess of the salary of the President shall be counted as Corporate profit


Make the corporate tax rate something like 20% which must paid, at a minimum, on the profits reported to shareholders. – No deductions, no incentives, no corporate welfare


$1 tax on each transaction that hold a share for less than 60 seconds. Taxes raised this way go to an SEC trust fund to prosecute the people gaming the system.


Bank, or any Corporate, Executives go to jail when their bank, or company, breaks the law or agrees to settlement without admitting guilt.
