
GetBackers is about a retrieval service. Ginji and Ban (GB, GetBack, get it?) have a 100% success rate retrieving lost or stolen objects. The show starts with them retrieving the toy cat of a school girl. The toy cat was taken by a crooked cop who thought she had seen him dealing with the Yakuza, which she hadn’t, but them’s the breaks. So G&B find the toy cat and in the process wipe out the yakuza gang and the bad cop. Turns out that G&B have special powers. Ginji is the human equivalent of an electric eel and Ban can give anyone hallucinations just by making eye contact.

So, the first client we see, Mizuki, goes to work in the Pizza shop where G&B hang out and the ground work is laid. G&B are very good at what they do, but they never seem to end up with any money. They worked for Mizuki for a slice of pizza. Paul, the owner of the Pizza shop has an extensive spy network that gathers information for the boys and Hevn is a negotiator who arranges jobs for G&B.

Ginji is a the soft-hearted, trusting type, while Ban is more the cynical, suspicious type. The back stories for these guys seem to add complications to their current lives. Production values are a bit lame. They are using a cartoonish animation technique that I find distracting. It is usually used when expressing disbelief or puzzlement. While the individual stories are pretty hackneyed, I am interested in what the overall story arc is covering.

I will give GetBackers a 6 out of ten.